We Are Not Damaged Goods

What would ever cause a person to think, feel or believe they are damaged?

Some form of trauma… abuse, hurt, emotional or physical harm, most likely from childhood?


Horrible things happen to the most innocent of victims… our children. Then those children grow up to be adults, and then what?

Most of us can agree how horrific it is that anyone could purposely hurt a child, yet it happens every single day.

Sick, disgusting, evil things.

All too often our children are afraid to speak up and tell, out of fear, out of shame, out of being threatened, out of not being believed. I am sure there are many reasons, none of which are ok.

What if it was your child? Would you believe them? Would you fight for them?

What are the damaging affects of doing nothing?

This is at the heart of a true story, yet the person is still too afraid to tell. They are suffering in silent chaos and it simply breaks my heart. Rips it to shreds, actually.

Man, so many things in life are downright unfair! For those of us who have a heart to love, encourage, come along side of, speak truth over.. we need to step in the gaps.


But, how are they set free from something so horrific done to them? When years have gone by and they are still consumed by all that happened to them.

Addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts…. anything to cover up the pain. Behaviors that are now mimicking the very same things.

Yes, (ideally) how beautiful would it be that they could conquer and overcome all that has been done to them. How is that even possible when their minds are still in childlike form.

What does it take to be set free from such a horrible injustice?

I’m sure things like support, counseling, love, therapy, medication, affirmation, faith, God, they all help, maybe even work but what is the answer if nothing sets them free and they feel swallowed up for life?

How do they dig deep within themselves and allow the hurt and pain to just let go, how do they walk in freedom of the misery that consumes them, how does truth take place so they no longer believe the lies that have destroyed them?

I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know if I have any answers for them.. I’m just a mom who lost her son and is now determined to bring light to the darkness, truth to the lies, freedom to the chains that hold us down.

I’m just a girl who heard a story and her heart broke, knowing that this can not be the only story of someone’s struggle of trauma from childhood.

I know my “answers” that work for me, but what works for you is what truly matters. It needs to be searched out, fought for and truly take place, so that you can walk in the freedom of who you truly are.

You ARE NOT DAMAGED GOODS! You are fearfully and wonderfully made and what has been done to you is not what makes you, you.

I am not even writing this piece to solve it, but to bring light to it and hope that people will have the courage to speak up and speak out.. maybe even share your story and what helped you, so that others can know they are not alone and maybe even find the very thing that will finally set them free.

Of all things done to us in life, trauma from our childhood should not be one of them that stays with us forever and destroys the potential for all we were created to be.

You are more than enough, with whatever damage that has been done, you are more than enough.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie

The Empty Christmas Stocking

Christmas time… the most wonderful time of the year.

I love everything about Christmas; the adventures in the snow to find the perfect tree, the decorations and lights, the Christmas music, the holiday spirit, all the family fun and celebrating Jesus.

My favorite tradition is the Christmas stockings, I would rather give them than gifts and I would rather get one over gifts. I still fill them for all my children…

A few nights ago, I was at dinner with my youngest daughter and a Christmas song came on the radio. I was happily thinking of all things Christmas, all the things I love about this time of year, the thought of Christmas stockings…..

And it hit me… I will have one stocking that sits empty. Forever.

The tears came instantly and the heaviness in my heart filled my mind with a million thoughts of how life is going to look so differently without my oldest son in it.


How do we do it? Lose a child, or even a loved one and continue with all the traditions that they were once a part of. Not just Christmas, but every holiday, every birthday, every family get together, every family event, everything that included them.

One step.. One breath.. One tradition at a time. With all the love and memories that our hearts can hold.

We say their name, we remember all the ways they made those moments so special and we create new ways to keep their memory alive because they were a very real part of all that makes those traditions so special.

We cry and we ache for what will never be again because we miss them terribly and that’s ok.

We do what we need to do to get through this season without our loved one. There is no right way or wrong way.

My heart was moved instantly to try and find a way to fill my son’s stocking with memories..


Letters, notes, cards... I want my family to start a new tradition, one where we will fill Tyler’s stocking with these things. A memory, a thought, a wish. Words for his son, Elijah, to read one day, keep one day, treasure one day.


This will be the first Christmas without my son, the knowledge of him not being here consumes my heart with such sorrow and it will always hurt a little that he will no longer be a part of the memories to come.

Im still learning this new normal, how to handle the little things that at one time I never would have given thought to but I will forever treasure all the memories I have of all the times Tyler was here to give me these moments to hold onto.

He will never be far from my heart or my thoughts as these days come and we celebrate without him here.

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2007

How about you, what do you do to get through the holidays and special moments without your loved one? I would love to know….

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie

Victor and Dezi

This says a little about them and a lot about me…


I’ve never really judged the homeless, or those holding signs but I’ve certainly been curious about what their story is and if they legitimately need the help. I found out recently, it doesn’t really matter….

I met Victor and Dezi a few Sundays ago. I was taking the kids to lunch after church and I gave them the option of Taco Bell or In-N-Out and they chose Taco Bell. As we were pulling in, I saw them sitting on the back of their car holding a sign that simply said, “Just Hungry”

At first I didn’t think anything of it or them, but as we got to the door I looked at the kids and told them “I think we need to buy them lunch”

As we walked over to them I could tell that they were really dirty and probably hadn’t bathed in a while, I let them know we would buy them lunch and they hopped off their car and said “cool”

Half way there, I turned around and asked if I could know their story, they simply said they were down on their luck and I didn’t push for any other answer but I noticed Dezi’s face and it showed every sign of addiction and my eyes welled with tears. I told them about losing my son to a drug overdose and how it had changed the way I see everything. They were so sympathetic and apologetic to my circumstance. There was a time I would have had the attitude, DON’T BE STUPID..STOP USING DRUGS, but I simply wanted to hold her and tell her how lovely she was. My mommy heart that was so freshly broken by the loss of my own child was so overcome with emotion about this young lady with so much life still in her.

When we went in to order, they each ordered off the dollar menu and asked for water, I told them they could have whatever they wanted so they each got one more dollar item. They were both so thankful for the food and I was so thankful for the experience.


When they drove off I really wished I had gotten a picture of them (lesson learned) because they weren’t just homeless, or down on their luck. They were real people, with a real story, struggling to get through another day.

We all have opinions, we all have the right to one… but we are called to love and not to judge the hurting, the lost and the simple down on their luck. They get to stand before God one day to give an account of all they’ve done, and guess what, so do I. I will never be sorry that I took the time to make their day a little bit better by buying a dollar menu item at Taco Bell so they could have a full belly and walk away knowing there are still people who care in this world.

To truly love is to look past the visible.. to see the heart of what really matters.”
— You Are Lovely Project

I could have looked away, but I would have missed an opportunity to show love and be changed in the process.

There are people all around us, with a story we know nothing about, what a beautiful thing to simply love them where they’re at and be blessed in return.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie

The Thought Jar...

Thoughts… Good thoughts. Bad thoughts. Happy thoughts. Sad thoughts. Exciting thoughts. Traumatic thoughts. Every single one of us has them, what we do with them is what really matters.

Just because you think it, does not make it true but what you believe about it, will be what controls you.

Thoughts are powerful, they have the ability to take over our heart and mind. They can destroy truth if we do not learn to have control over them.


YOU get to choose what you believe….

It doesn’t matter what others think… or say, or do, or feel, or believe. They are not you and that is a beautiful truth.

People will always have their own thoughts about you but it’s your own thoughts about yourself that truly matter.

I’m not worthy..

I’m not good enough..

No one cares..

No one loves me..

I’m not smart enough..

I’m not talented enough..

I’m not……..

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We need to stop telling ourselves things that are just not true.

You are worthy, you are good enough, people do care, you are loved, you are smart enough, you are talented enough. YOU are exactly who you were created to be. If we were all the same, this world would be a very boring place.

Everything that makes up you… no one else is gifted with, because they have their own gifts that make up them and that makes each and every one of us special.

Speak truth over yourself…

It’s lovely when people sing our praises: compliment us, encourage us, believe in us, but if we are not able to be confident in ourselves and in the truths they see, then what are we truly accomplishing for ourselves?

We need to change our mindset in the way we think about ourselves… who ever began these lies in us anyway? Start speaking truth! YOU are so incredible. Just the way you are. Start believing it.


I created a thought jar at work for us girls, every time we say anything negative, unkind or untrue about ourselves, we put a dollar in the jar… and we get coffee, because we are learning and growing in our thought process with one another. We are holding each other accountable and teaching each other truths about ourselves.

We need to change the way we think… we need to work hard at it and be diligent, because the lies we are believing about ourselves are affecting our potential to be our best selves and live our best lives.

Guys, I am talking to myself, just as much as I am talking to you. I have wasted so much time believing things about myself, that held absolutely no truth and stopped me from being the best version of me. It’s time to change the way we think! And, how dare I speak, believe, encourage, all these truths over other woman but refuse to believe those same things for myself.

I believe in you….

Thoughts are so powerful, imagine how amazing it would be if we started thinking the very best of ourselves.

Have the courage to say, I will no longer believe the lies I once told myself.

And me, I believe you deserve every true and beautiful thought you think about yourself to transform your heart and mind.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie

We All Have A Story To Tell: Tyler’s Story

You have a story, I have a story, we all have a story to tell.  



I’ve known all along that part of my blog would be to tell people’s stories, because I believe each of us has a story to tell and each one matters.  There are parts that only you know and bits and pieces that others get to know but all of it makes up who you are. To know someone’s story fully is such a beautiful gift because the layers paint a picture of who we truly are. 

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, yet, often we are covered in bumps and bruises along the way. We fall down, we get back up and sometimes we do that over and over again. Every detail of our lives makes up who we are and the incredible story to tell.


 This is Tyler’s story, as told through my eyes...

Tyler’s wedding day, March 2017

Tyler’s wedding day, March 2017

Tyler is my oldest son, he is the heart and soul behind this blog, behind the You Are Lovely project. Tyler died on June 10, 2018 leaving my heart shattered into a million pieces. Heartbroken, devastated, angry, and confused, I was certain that I would not survive this but here I am, choosing to do something beneficial with my grief. 

Tyler’s death was an accidental drug overdose and I’m sure there are those who have an awful opinion on that but I simply do not have time to focus on any negative or hateful thing that could be said about my son. I am too busy seeking ways for others to know and believe that they are worthy of a better way.

That they are loved.

That they matter.

That they belong.


Tyler was born on September 15, 1990

September 1990

September 1990

He was 4 weeks early, weighing only 5 pounds... he was beautiful and he was perfect but from the time he was a little boy he struggled. Tyler was funny and mischievous and it often got him into trouble, he hated school from the first grade on and really struggled with his dad not being in his life. Tyler was extremely close with his papa and when he passed away all of Tyler’s bad choices began. He got into a lot of trouble when he was a teenager but pulled himself out of it as he got older. For several years he went back and forth between good choices and bad choices and life felt hard for him. 

Tyler struggled with so much but he was a beautiful soul with so much to offer, but he never believed it about himself. I will never sugar coat all the struggles Tyler had, because they are truths and they are part of his story but they never should have been the reason he died. He was worth so much more than this outcome.

This is not all of Tyler’s story, there is so much more than the struggles he had.

Tyler was Smart, to the point of brilliant. He loved to read and learn and study, he loved gaining knowledge. He was very loving and generous and did not know a stranger. He was pretty much for all things except abortion. He loved his son and loved being a dad and did not want to fail at it. He loved little kids, dogs, video games, disc golf, pizza, pie and candy.

Tyler holding his son for the first time

Tyler holding his son for the first time

Tyler was loved by so many but it was not enough to save him. His bout with drugs was fast and ended quickly, to this day I have no idea why he started using. I just know that I am left with the fact that my son is no longer here.

I made a decision just as swiftly, that what we are doing to help, encourage and love others through, is not working. Yes, each of us needs to be responsible for the way we handle what life throws at us but the rest of us should not be a hindrance to another.

Because of Tyler, my life was forever changed. I miss my son more than I have words for and I loved him beyond measure. God gave me a word about Tyler when he was younger and true to His word, those things are taking place through the You Are Lovely project.

Tyler was always worth the fight.

God is on the move.

And this mom refuses to sit back and do nothing…..

It doesn’t matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done or what has been done to you, you are needed here.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie


Do Boys Cry?

The endless cries of a newborn baby boy. The hurt cries, scared cries, not getting their way cries of a toddler boy. The frustrated cries of an adolescent boy. Boys cry a lot and without concern when they are young. They are free of judgement and only understand what is hurting their heart.. 

What about the boy who grows up to be a man? When does he start realizing that he needs to hide his emotions and why does he believe he needs to do so? 

This is not about curiosity or trying to prove a point. This is about the damaging affects that are leading our boys, men, into depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and for some, death.

Our world has become chaotic, with all the do this, be that, not that way, only this way, etc... How confusing and frustrating for most. Then pride and fear step in, causing a downward spiral that some don’t know how to escape. It’s simply not ok. Something needs to change.

I’m not a man, I’m just a mom who lost her oldest son to a drug overdose due to a lifetime of things that tore at his heart and mind, causing him to make choices that eventually took his life. And my world was forever shattered. I’m just a mom who is on a mission to make sure every single person knows there is always a better way and certainly a better day. I’m just a mom who cares deeply for all but has a tender spot for all the guys out there.

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“I will use Tyler’s struggles to touch the lives of boys.”


True to His word, through Tyler’s death, He is doing just that. It looks nothing like I thought it would, and yes, I have many moments that I simply do not understand but there is no denying that God’s promises are true. Since Tyler’s death, the Lord has moved swiftly, with an outpouring of men (and women) who have come forward in one way or another to declare how Tyler’s story has touched their life, changed their life or helped them in a positive way. And my heart will take it... take it and trust it and pray that lives are changed because of it. 

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Somewhere along the way, our boys are taught... or learn, or choose, or believe, something that is just not truth. That they have to be tough and strong and secure and without emotion, at way too many things and it is destroying them. For some, it is killing them and when it comes to a point that a man would choose to die over fear of reaching out, something needs to change because what we are doing is not working. I’ve heard it said, the world demands more from us than it ever has and I believe there is so much truth in that and it plays a role in all of this. 

You guys, it’s not enough to say,

Don’t use drugs.

Stop being depressed.

You’re not really suicidal.

This really doesn’t matter.

Saying these things does not and will not make the person stop feeling that way. Trust me, they wish it was that easy. We need to find solutions that will help, work or overcome the issue at hand. There is not just one answer, because it looks different for everyone but there needs to be an answer. 

Every life matters. You matter. You are worthy, you are stronger than you believe, you are loved and you are needed here. 

Stop buying into a lie that is telling you differently. Take a stand. Be the change. Turn stigmas around. Fight for your best life. 

And by the way... yes, boys do cry and so do men and there is not one single shame in that. 

You Are Lovely.... don’t believe the lie