We Are Not Damaged Goods

What would ever cause a person to think, feel or believe they are damaged?

Some form of trauma… abuse, hurt, emotional or physical harm, most likely from childhood?


Horrible things happen to the most innocent of victims… our children. Then those children grow up to be adults, and then what?

Most of us can agree how horrific it is that anyone could purposely hurt a child, yet it happens every single day.

Sick, disgusting, evil things.

All too often our children are afraid to speak up and tell, out of fear, out of shame, out of being threatened, out of not being believed. I am sure there are many reasons, none of which are ok.

What if it was your child? Would you believe them? Would you fight for them?

What are the damaging affects of doing nothing?

This is at the heart of a true story, yet the person is still too afraid to tell. They are suffering in silent chaos and it simply breaks my heart. Rips it to shreds, actually.

Man, so many things in life are downright unfair! For those of us who have a heart to love, encourage, come along side of, speak truth over.. we need to step in the gaps.


But, how are they set free from something so horrific done to them? When years have gone by and they are still consumed by all that happened to them.

Addiction, depression, suicidal thoughts…. anything to cover up the pain. Behaviors that are now mimicking the very same things.

Yes, (ideally) how beautiful would it be that they could conquer and overcome all that has been done to them. How is that even possible when their minds are still in childlike form.

What does it take to be set free from such a horrible injustice?

I’m sure things like support, counseling, love, therapy, medication, affirmation, faith, God, they all help, maybe even work but what is the answer if nothing sets them free and they feel swallowed up for life?

How do they dig deep within themselves and allow the hurt and pain to just let go, how do they walk in freedom of the misery that consumes them, how does truth take place so they no longer believe the lies that have destroyed them?

I don’t have all the answers, I don’t know if I have any answers for them.. I’m just a mom who lost her son and is now determined to bring light to the darkness, truth to the lies, freedom to the chains that hold us down.

I’m just a girl who heard a story and her heart broke, knowing that this can not be the only story of someone’s struggle of trauma from childhood.

I know my “answers” that work for me, but what works for you is what truly matters. It needs to be searched out, fought for and truly take place, so that you can walk in the freedom of who you truly are.

You ARE NOT DAMAGED GOODS! You are fearfully and wonderfully made and what has been done to you is not what makes you, you.

I am not even writing this piece to solve it, but to bring light to it and hope that people will have the courage to speak up and speak out.. maybe even share your story and what helped you, so that others can know they are not alone and maybe even find the very thing that will finally set them free.

Of all things done to us in life, trauma from our childhood should not be one of them that stays with us forever and destroys the potential for all we were created to be.

You are more than enough, with whatever damage that has been done, you are more than enough.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie