The Thought Jar...

Thoughts… Good thoughts. Bad thoughts. Happy thoughts. Sad thoughts. Exciting thoughts. Traumatic thoughts. Every single one of us has them, what we do with them is what really matters.

Just because you think it, does not make it true but what you believe about it, will be what controls you.

Thoughts are powerful, they have the ability to take over our heart and mind. They can destroy truth if we do not learn to have control over them.


YOU get to choose what you believe….

It doesn’t matter what others think… or say, or do, or feel, or believe. They are not you and that is a beautiful truth.

People will always have their own thoughts about you but it’s your own thoughts about yourself that truly matter.

I’m not worthy..

I’m not good enough..

No one cares..

No one loves me..

I’m not smart enough..

I’m not talented enough..

I’m not……..

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We need to stop telling ourselves things that are just not true.

You are worthy, you are good enough, people do care, you are loved, you are smart enough, you are talented enough. YOU are exactly who you were created to be. If we were all the same, this world would be a very boring place.

Everything that makes up you… no one else is gifted with, because they have their own gifts that make up them and that makes each and every one of us special.

Speak truth over yourself…

It’s lovely when people sing our praises: compliment us, encourage us, believe in us, but if we are not able to be confident in ourselves and in the truths they see, then what are we truly accomplishing for ourselves?

We need to change our mindset in the way we think about ourselves… who ever began these lies in us anyway? Start speaking truth! YOU are so incredible. Just the way you are. Start believing it.


I created a thought jar at work for us girls, every time we say anything negative, unkind or untrue about ourselves, we put a dollar in the jar… and we get coffee, because we are learning and growing in our thought process with one another. We are holding each other accountable and teaching each other truths about ourselves.

We need to change the way we think… we need to work hard at it and be diligent, because the lies we are believing about ourselves are affecting our potential to be our best selves and live our best lives.

Guys, I am talking to myself, just as much as I am talking to you. I have wasted so much time believing things about myself, that held absolutely no truth and stopped me from being the best version of me. It’s time to change the way we think! And, how dare I speak, believe, encourage, all these truths over other woman but refuse to believe those same things for myself.

I believe in you….

Thoughts are so powerful, imagine how amazing it would be if we started thinking the very best of ourselves.

Have the courage to say, I will no longer believe the lies I once told myself.

And me, I believe you deserve every true and beautiful thought you think about yourself to transform your heart and mind.

You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie