Unconditional Love: affection without any limitations or conditions, described as knowing no bounds and is unchanging.
Love is such a beautiful gift, one that we give and one that we receive. It looks a million different ways for a lot of different reasons but the result is often the same.
The Bible tells us that “love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
It also tells us that “love covers a multitude of sins” ~1 Peter 4:8
Yes and Amen! So much truth…..
I believe love is covered in so much beauty and grace and hope. I believe it fills voids in an otherwise chaotic world. In some ways it completes what we never even knew was missing.
Hands down, I believe love is one of the most incredible things to exist.
What about all the things love is not?
I believe in a lot of ways, love is hard and challenging and frustrating and I believe these emotions exist for the very reason as to why we love in the first place.
Love does not always look like we think it ought to, it may even require boundaries …. but it does not change the fact that love is never wasted.
I think this could cover every area concerning love but for this moment I am going to speak from a mother’s heart.
I believe everything we do or don’t do is because we love you, even when we get it wrong or fail or let you down. We are still doing all of it in love…. sometimes that love is tough love. Sometimes the very thing we are doing in love may feel like we don’t love you at all but nothing could be further from the truth.
Love is not giving you everything you want, or doing it the way you think it should be done. Sometimes love is saying no, or walking away or even letting you go so that you can see what is truly best.
You do not come with a manual and yet love merely exists even still, that never changes but the challenges that life brings, does and while we love you unconditionally that does not mean it will always look like you think it should look but it never changes the fact that it is still love and nothing could ever make us not love you.
Love often times gets confused with something it is not… sometimes there is no way to make you understand that. Maybe only time and wisdom.
The choices you make or the roads you take may break our hearts and maybe even yours and we may not always handle it the way you would like us to but not for one moment have we ever stopped loving you… it just looks different than you would like it to.
Sometimes, I love you enough, that in a season, you just simply can not fully understand but hopefully there will be a day where you understand fully and you can say, that was truly love.
Love really is a million little things, drawn together for the outcome of your very best. There is never a moment where it does not exist.
You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie