I believe each year has its fullness of blessings and sorrows…
Moments that are so incredibly beautiful that you never want them to end and moments that shatter your heart into a million tiny pieces.
Every moment creates in us the foundation for how we will face the year. I’ve learned that we have very little control over the things that life will throw our way but what we do with it will be instrumental in how we move forward.
How we live, how we love, how we respond, how we accomplish, how we react, how we grow, how we choose, how we learn, how we listen, how we speak, how we give……..
Each day is a gift, a promise of newness, yet tomorrow is never promised and life is beautifully short.
There will be days that bring all the joy and all the laughter and all the gifts of a perfect day but there will also be days that bring tears and sorrows and all things heartbreaking.
Live and love in the moment of now, take it all in and fully find the blessing of the season you’re in.
Today, the first day of a new year, is such a perfect opportunity to live life to the fullest. To make all the changes within you, around you and about you so that you are living your very best life.
If last year showed me anything, it showed me that in a blink of an eye everything can change, so take every opportunity to have zero regrets because you will never get this day again.
I want to make every moment count, I want to see the best in everyone and everything, including myself.
I want to educate myself on the things I hold close to my heart involving addiction, depression and suicidal thoughts. I want people to feel from me, all the love, hope and encouragement I can pour out.
I want to be intentional with my time.. for my children, my grandchildren, my family, my friends and myself.
I want to travel and adventure, I want to try new things and be brave enough to do the things that set my soul on fire.
I want to be plugged into outreach, because it takes a village. I want to tell people’s story, because they should be heard.
I want to draw so close to God, that no lie could ever enter in.
I want to laugh… every single day, because it is my favorite and makes my heart feel alive.
I want to read amazing books, write amazing things and share truth to a hurting world.
I want to love like I never have, I want to believe all that is true about me and I want to be set free from everything that is absolutely a lie.
I want to embrace the crazy of busy days and simply take in the days that I just need to be alone.
I want to be thankful and thoughtful for all God has given me, broken and beautiful, because it is my story and this is my testimony.
This is a great year to make all the changes that will allow me to live my best life!
This is a great year for you too!
Happy New Year and God bless you for all the ways 2019 is going to be incredible.
You Are Lovely… don’t believe the lie